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悉尼科技大学Lesley Hitchens教授学术讲座

来源:英国上市公司官网365讲座 阅读:发布时间:2017-10-30编辑:郑伟

主题: Internationalisation of the legal profession

时间: 2017117日上午10:10—11:40

主讲人: Lesley Hitchens



Lesley Hitchens, professorDean, Faculty Lawof University of Technology Sydney

Lesley Hitchens教授,悉尼科技大学英国上市公司官网365经理。


Lesley Hitchens joined UTS in January 2008, serving asAssociate Dean(Research) from June 2008 until early 2013. She commenced as Dean of the Faculty in February 2013. She is a member of the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board and the Legal Services Council Admissions Committee, and in 2015 was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. Lesley is also a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Prior to commencing her academic career, Lesley practised as a commercial lawyer for seven years, first in Sydney with Allens and later with Herbert Smith (now Herbert Smith Freehills) in London.


&Barendt, E., Bosland, J., Craufurd Smith, R. &Hitchens, L.P.2014,Media Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England.

Hitchens, L.P.2014,Media Law in Australia, Wolters Kluwer, The Netherlands.

Hitchens, L.P.2006,Broadcasting Pluralism and Diversity: A Comparative Study of Policy and Regulation, 1, Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK.View/Download from:UTS OPUS

Research Interests

  • Media and communications regulation including comparative research with a special focus on the UK, the US, and the EU.

Teaching Areas

  • Media Law

  • Broadcasting and Communications Law