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Selective Trials for The 10th CASC Cup International Space Law Moot Court Competition

来源:英国上市公司官网365华中大法律网 阅读:发布时间:2013-10-11编辑:

Written Assignment

Instructions for graduate students:

You should first translate the following case into Chinese and than submit an essay in English to summaries the facts. Your essay should be less than one page long. You must prepare your assignment entirely on your own, without assistance from anyone else. If you borrow words or ideas from anyone else, you must give appropriate credit through the use of quotation marks and citations. You should submit your assignment as email attachments tozxj1992@hust.edu.cn, before 10:00 a.m., October 12, 2013.

Instructions for undergraduate students:

You are supposed to translate the following case into Chinese and please submit your assignment as email attachments tozxj1992@hust.edu.cn,before 12.00 a.m, October 12, 2013. Please keep in mind you must finish your assignment entirely on your own, without assistance from anyone else.

Interview Arrangement:

Time:12:40-15:00,October 12,2013

Interview Room: Room 204 in Law School Building, HUST

Preparation Room: Room 211 in Law School Building, HUST


If you have got a Bachelor Degree in English or holds satisfactory TOEFL or IELTS or CET-6 scores(TOEFL >90 or IELTS>6.5 or CET-6>520),please bring us a copy of the certificate.

You are supposed to arrive on time.

HUST Law School

Appendix:Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition Problem