Professor Wang Xigen Conducts the Academic Research Session for the Visiting Students from Oxford

On the afternoon of July 17th, Prof. Wang Xigen, Dean of the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, founding member of the International Digital Law Association, Editor-in-Chief of Digital Law Review, and Director of the Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center, organized an Academic Research Session in the meeting room 105, law school, for the visiting students from Oxford. Four visiting students raised their questions about their study and research, Prof. Wang Xigen answered them detailly and carefully. Ms. Wang Na, secretary of the Institute of Human Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, National Human Rights and Education Training Base and Ph.D. Candidate Yu Hanlin attended the session.

All the questions and answers were revolved around the theme “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Legislation”, which was also the major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, led by Prof. Wang Xigen.
Rufus Hall提出的问题
Questions from Rufus Hall:
How can human trust AI? I am thinking about some practical issues about AI legislation, like the implementation of EU AI Act, there are some commentaries on that Act, people are aware of the practical issues like privacy. Do you have any advice for my further research?

Answer from Prof. Wang Xigen:
Firstly, about how can human trust AI, it depends on whether the legislation is enough to handle the disputes, you can think further about it. In the meanwhile, how to balance the advantage and disadvantage of AI within the framework of rule of law is also a really good topic. You can use your knowledge of philosophy to do the value analysis about it. Your second question is about law practice, I think you can do some research in the field of human right law. Like you mentioned, right of liberty and privacy both are the basic human rights, how to set the boundary between the human rights and the right of AI (if AI owns the right) to guide the legal practice is also necessary.
Luisa Mayr提出的问题
Questions from Luisa Mayr:
I have noticed that there are some commentaries on EU AI Act, and it is interesting that deferent jurisdiction holds deferent attitudes towards it. Like EU is more like to do the pre-empty regulation, but the UK is more like to do the wait-and-see. Inspired from that Act, my research topic is about the sandbox. A sandbox is like a platform which every AI product should be tested before its publishment. However, how the sandbox legally trustworthy is under discussion. Do you have any comment on that?

Answer from Prof. Wang Xigen:
About your question, if the Sandbox is the same as a Blackbox that the algorithm within is uncertain, you should think about who design the sandbox. From my perspective, maybe some scientists or some experts in AI designed that box, but how we law experts contribute on that? That is the first concern. About that concern, I suggest you think further about three questions: Firstly, does AI owns the right? What is the subject of that right? Secondly, if AI has the right, what is AI’s limitation of the right and responsibility? Thirdly, how to divide the boundary between the right of AI and human rights and its responsibility? I think that is a really interesting topic, and it could be framed like: From Technology to Regulation—to make a Justice, Fair and Trustful Algorithm Platform Legislation. Moreover, you can think about the relationship between government and company, government and government, company and company. How to balance management and innovation encouragement is also important.
Ned Chapman提出的问题
Questions from Ned Chapman:
I have been thinking about the AI product liability. The work I am doing now is that whether the AI product could be involved in the present civil liability regime, or we should build another new regime. Some scholars said we could treat AI like a dangerous pet, or some scholars said we could treat AI like a legal person. I am wondering how we humans could be benefit from the AI legislation, maybe through an insurance system. In the meanwhile, I have done some case study, doI have to narrow my research scope within the tort law?

Answer from Prof. Wang Xigen:
You have a really good topic, and I think you know how to think like an academic scholar. Firstly, about the AI product liability, if we bind it with the present product liability, who is responsible for it? Is that the producer? The designer? The seller? AI itself? Or the user? If AI itself takes the responsibility, how could it? How could we punish AI? You can pay attention to the first AI Autonomous Vehicle case happened in the USA in 2018. If the passenger(user) takes the responsibility, whether it is too harsh? If the pedestrian takes the responsibility, whether it is not fair? They all need further study. For your research scope, I think making it more specific is necessary, and it could help you focus.
Jack Bridgford提出的问题
Questions from Jack Bridgford:
As my major is Chinese, I am thinking about doing a comparative study between Chinese AI Legislation and the UK AI legislation. The question that I focus now is about the racial bias of the AI judge, if it is possible to do that.

Answer from Prof. Wang Xigen:
Comparative study is a really good methodology. I am really glad that you can practice your major here. The database in China we often use is called CNKI, you might have the access. If you only think about the comparative study between the UK and China, I think you should narrow your topic. For the racial bias of AI judge is not a single problem, I think you could think bigger. The racial bias is more related to identity recognition and algorithmic discrimination. Furthermore, how to deal with the ethical issues in AI regulation is also under discussion. Therefore, you could do more review on the present China legislation and the UK legislation to do the comparative study in a more solid way.

During the session, the delighted mood hanged around. The session was served with coffee and snacks, ended with joy and pleasure. The answers from Prof. Wang Xigen indicated their research paths, clarified their research innovations, and inspired their research subjects. All the students gained a lot. Prof. Wang Xigen pointed out that the excellent academic articles will be preferently recommended to the upcoming "2024 Digital Rule of Law and Smart Justice International Conference" or published in the Digital Law Review, and students are welcome to contribute and submit. Close to end of the session, Prof. Wang Xigen concerned about the life in HUST of visiting students. In the meanwhile, he suggested all the students should keep abreast of hot issues in the AI legal field, pay close attention to the latest news in different countries about AI Legislation (the EU, the USA, the UK and China etc.), and stay focused. In the end, Prof. Wang Xigen delivered his sincere blessing to all the students and wish them to have a wonderful experience in China.