On the morning of June 20th, the opening ceremony for the visiting students sponsored by University of Oxford to the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and the seminar on the major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, "New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Legislation" were successfully held in the 105 meeting room of the Law School. Four visiting students who were fully funded by University of Oxford to participate in the research project under the lead of Prof. Wang Xigen of the law school came to the meeting to communicate and learn. The meeting was jointly hosted by the Law School of HUST, Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center, National Human Rights Education and Training Base- Institute for Human Rights Law of HUST, the Research Base for Creating a Strong Recognition of Community for the Chinese Nation of HUST, Institute for Education Law of HUST. Many experts and leaders of the law school attended the meeting, and representatives of outstanding Ph.D candidates, Postgraduate students and Undergraduate student of the school participated in the exchange.

英国上市公司官网365经理、国际数字法律协会创始会员、《数字法律评论》主编、湖北省司法大数据研究中心负责人汪习根教授致辞。他首先向来访的牛津学子表示热烈的欢迎,并向其介绍了英国上市公司官网365和出席会议的各位专家。英国上市公司官网365一直走在人工智能和法学研究的最前列,是全国最早开设计算法学专业的英国上市公司官网365系之一,并在最高人民法院的指导下,与湖北省高级人民法院联合成立了湖北司法大数据研究中心;在湖北省高级人民法院的大力支持下,在全国率先建成共享智慧法庭;创立了“人工智能与司法大数据”国际研讨会这一学术平台(每年一届,现已举办三届);创办了《数字法律评论》集刊;在清华大学主持下与5所高校共同发起中国计算法学发展联盟;在中国人民大学倡导下发起成立中国高校数字法学教育联盟。更重要的是,去年年底在中国人民大学主导下,与包括牛津大学在内的多家世界一流高校协同发起成立了国际数字法律协会这一国际性的学术组织。此次访学正值公司与牛津大学科研实习夏令营项目合作10周年暨两校首届人文社科类科研实习夏令营项目启动,公司正式推出首届牛津大学来华中大英国上市公司官网365访学团暑期系列精品课程——AI and Law,为两校学子带来人工智能与法律的课程盛宴,希望大家能在课程中就“人工智能立法”这一主题共同开展高质量、开放性的学术研讨,并邀请4位牛津学子参加2024年即将举办的第四届“人工智能与司法大数据”国际学术研讨会。汪习根教授介绍了此次访学的具体安排,同时也希望牛津访学团员工能多多参观中国的名胜古迹,感受中国优秀的传统文化,学游结合,拥有一段充实愉快的学习经历。
Professor Wang Xigen, Dean of the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, founding member of the International Digital Law Association, editor-in-chief of Digital Law Review, and director of the Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center, delivered a speech. He firstly extended a warm welcome to the visiting students from Oxford and introduced the Law School and the experts attending the meeting. The Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has always been at the forefront of artificial intelligence and legal research. It is one of the earliest law schools in China to set calculational law as a master’s degree. Under the guidance of the Supreme People's Court of China, Law School jointly established the Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center with the Hubei Higher People's Court; with the strong support of the Hubei Higher People's Court, it took the lead in building a shared smart court in China; established the academic platform of the "Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Big Data" International Seminar (one session per year, and now three sessions have been held); founded the "Digital Law Review" journal; co-sponsored the China Alliance for the Development of Computational Law with 5 universities under the auspices of Tsinghua University; and initiated the establishment of the China University Digital Law Education Alliance under the advocacy of Renmin University of China. More importantly, at the end of last year, under the lead of Renmin University of China, it jointly initiated the establishment of the International Digital Law Association, an international academic organization, with many world-class universities including University of Oxford.This visiting study programme is with the time of 10th anniversary of the cooperation between HUST and University of Oxford in the research internship summer camp project and the launch of the first humanities and social science research internship summer camp project of the two institutions. The Law School of HUST officially launched the first class of the series of boutique courses- AI and Law, of the summer camp which brought a course feast of artificial intelligence and law to students from both institutions. The law school hopes that everyone can jointly carry out high-quality and open-minded academic discussions on the theme of "artificial intelligence legislation" in the course. In the meanwhile, Professor Wang has invited four Oxford students to participate in the fourth "Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Big Data" International Academic Seminar this year. Professor Wang Xigen introduced the specific arrangements for the visiting study, and also hoped that the students of the Oxford visiting group could visit more places of interest in China, experience China's excellent traditional culture, combine study and travel to have a fulfilling and enjoyable learning experience.
随后,汪习根教授为大家讲授AI and Law系列课程第一讲——人工智能立法规制与数字法学团队建设。他指出,随着世界范围内人工智能技术的广泛应用和相关立法的不断推进,中国也正在加快人工智能立法的进程。人工智能立法要促进安全与发展二者间平衡的实现,要注重保护公民的数据安全、数字安全,保护公民基本的人权,要在此前提和基础上推进人工智能的发展。要坚持以人为本,让保障公平正义、消除数字鸿沟、实现人权保障成为人工智能立法的核心价值。
Afterwards, Professor Wang Xigen gave the first lecture of the AI and Law series of courses - Legislative Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and the Construction of Digital Law Discipline. He pointed out that with the widespread application of artificial intelligence technology and the continuous advancement of related legislation around the world, China is also accelerating the process of artificial intelligence legislation. Artificial intelligence legislation should promote the balance between security and development, focus on protecting citizens' data security and digital security, and protect citizens' basic human rights. It is necessary to promote the development of artificial intelligence on this premise and basis. Everybody must adhere to the people-oriented principle and ensure fairness and justice, eliminate the digital divide, and realize human rights protection, which is the core value of artificial intelligence legislation.

In the expert speech session, Prof. Chen Qixing, Special Term Professor at the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Executive-chief-editor of Digital Law Review, and Chief Scientist of Hubei Judicial Big Data Research Center, expressed a warm welcome to the visiting delegation. He hoped that the Oxford students could feel the unique Chinese culture and experience the convenience brought by the rapid development of science and technology to people’s daily lives. He also mentioned that AI systems have already been embedded in people's daily lives, while we are able to explore how AI has changed the way people live and how it is intertwined with China’s colorful culture from different perspectives. This kind of interdisciplinary and multi-faceted observation and reflection will undoubtedly deepen our understanding and appreciation of the interaction between AI and human society.

阿里巴巴技术总监、阿里巴巴通义实验室 NLP( 自然语言处理)应用算法团队负责人孙常龙谈到,自己在过去七年里一直从事智能司法的研究与应用。人工智能技术一方面使律师和研究人员能以极高的速度和准确性浏览大量的法律法规、判例和文件,另一方面又牵涉复杂的伦理监管和社会变化。技术是一种工具,亦是一种新的力量,其效果如何取决于我们使用它的方式。作为有抱负的法律专业人士,我们要恰当地使用人工智能技术,使人工智能之光照亮我们走向一个更公平、更开明世界的道路。
Mr. Sun Changlong, Director of Alibaba Technology, and Head of NLP (Natural Language Processing) Application Algorithm Team at Alibaba Tongyi Lab, referred to his engagement in the the research and application of intelligent justice in the past seven years. On the one hand, AI technology enables lawyers and researchers to browse large volumes of laws, regulations, jurisprudence and documents with great speed and accuracy. On the other hand, this process involves complex ethical supervision and social change. Technology is a tool, as well as a new force, and its effectiveness depends on how we use it. As aspiring legal professionals, we should use AI technology appropriately so that the light of AI can illuminate our path towards a fairer and more enlightened world.

Dr. Wang Yuming, Associate Professor at the School of Electronic Information and Communication of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Deputy Director of China University Social Science Data Center, shared his views on the topic of the combination of data and AI in different fields. He pointed out that data is the most important resource in this era. In the meanwhile, information system and data can enable business processes to be handled electronically and networked. They both play supportive roles in business management, transaction processing and intelligent applications. AI technology has also been widely applied and plays an important role in various fields such as scientific research management, intelligent justice, e-commerce, transportation, etc. It is with revolutionary significance to the enhancement of the effectiveness of various fields. Therefore, promoting the relevant legislation on AI and its application is crucial.

Dr. He Miao, Associate Professor at the School of Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Assistant to the Dean of the Institute of Human Rights Law of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Doctor of Law from Ghent University in Belgium, introduced the motto of HUST to the students from the visiting delegation: “明德,厚学,求是,创新.” This is not only an accurate interpretation of the philosophy of education, but also the best presentation of scientific spirit and humanistic care. 明德refers to highlighting morality and perfecting character; 厚学means advocating knowledge and being knowledgeable; 求是 means constantly pursuing the truth and discovering the law behind it; 创新 means to keep pace with the times and pursue new heights. HUST has always been adhering to this philosophy of education, and has cultivated a batch of outstanding talents. She expressed the hope that the students from the visiting delegation can gain a pleasant learning experience in HUST.

Zhang Ben, Associate Professor at the Department of Technical Law and Intellectual Property Law of Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow in Intellectual Property Law, Editorial Member of Digital Law Review, talked about that AI-driven cars, which combines AI, sensing technology and machine learning, is an example of how AI technology creates convenience for human life. However, at the same time, the technical, legal, social and economic challenges accompanied with are also nonnegligible, while the corresponding technical standards and legal regulation still require further discussion and improvement. In the upcoming learning sessions, he will discuss the technical application and legal issues with the students, as well as comparing and analyzing the differences between relevant legislation in China and the UK.

Dr. Li Yanan, Lecturer at the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Executive Editor of Digital Law Review, said that the Law School of Hust is a palace of learning full of wisdom and vitality, where one can discuss the mysteries of legal knowledge with excellent teachers and students. She hoped that the visiting students could exchange ideals, share the learning and research experience and make progress together during this period. Finally, she hoped that all students could have a wonderful summer and gain valuable insights here.

Dr. Liu Jia, Laboratory Engineer, Computer and Artificial Intelligence Expert at the Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, shared her views in the application of AI technoligy in the judiciary. She mentioned that AI technology can not only improve the efficiency of judicial decisions, but also enhance the fairness and transparency of justice. She introduced the application of AI technology in the judicial field from four aspects, including intelligent trial, intelligent execution, intelligent service and intelligent management, and analyzed the possible legal and ethical risks of AI.

随后,牛津大学亚洲与中东研究学院本科生Jack Bridgford,牛津大学中世纪和现代语言学院本科生Rufus Hall,牛津大学英国上市公司官网365本科生Luisa Mayr和Ned chapman等四位访学团员工向大家作了自我介绍并发言。他们谈到,虽然来自不同的专业背景,但他们都对人工智能与法律极为感兴趣,人工智能技术在中国已经有了非常广泛的应用,中国的相关立法也在不断推进与完善,希望能够借此次机会增进自己对人工智能技术法律问题的了解与学习。四位员工均表示对此次访学的经历充满了期待。
Afterwards, four visiting students, including Jack Bridgford, an undergraduate student at the School of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies of University of Oxford, Rufus Hall, an undergraduate student at the School of Medieval and Modern Languages of University of Oxford, and Luisa Mayr and Ned Chapman, undergraduate students at the School of Law of University of Oxford, introduced themselves and gave speeches. They said that although they came from different professional backgrounds, they were all very interested in artificial intelligence and law. Artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in China, and China's relevant legislation is also being continuously promoted and improved. They hope to take this opportunity to enhance their understanding and learning of legal issues related to artificial intelligence technology. All four students expressed their expectations for this visiting experience.

Finally, the students of the visiting group asked questions and exchanged views with the experts and scholars on the professional issues of artificial intelligence and law. At last, participants from two institutions took a group photo, which opened a wonderful prelude to this visiting study.
HUST has cooperated with the University of Oxford in the research internship summer camp program for 10 years. Every year, 10-30 outstanding students are fully funded by the University of Oxford to come to HUST to participate in the research group of well-known tutors for scientific research. In 2024, for the first time, the University of Oxford funds participants of the humanities and social science research internship summer camp project of HUST. Professor Wang Xigen's research project received a total of 17 applications from University of Oxford students, and finally 4 applicants passed the project team selection and won the full funding of University of Oxford, and now all of them have arrived on campus. They will study in our institute for six weeks in the form of summer courses, participating in judicial application experiments of artificial intelligence, participating in tutor research projects, and conducting field studies.